Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Zachary Quinto Says There WILL Be a Star Trek 4

[Stephen] Colbert [of The Late Show] asked [Zachary] Quinto if there is going to be a Star Trek 4 and is Quentin Tarantino going to direct it. The actor clarified things regarding the two Star Trek projects in development.

"I know more now than I knew a few weeks ago, which is there will be a fourth [Star Trek] movie, if we stay on the track we are on. I think there is going a movie before Quentin’s movie. So, there may be a movie after the next movie. So, we have a lot to look forward to."

Regarding the hiring of S.J. Clarkson to direct Star Trek 4, Quinto said:

"They just announced a woman will be directing the next one, which is really exciting. It is the first time in the feature universe. And it is actually a woman I know and have worked with before, named S.J. Clarkson and she is incredible and I am very excited."

Quinto worked with Clarkson on two episodes of the NBC series Heroes.

Read more at Trek Movie.