Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Moral Majority: The Possession of Hannah Grace

The Moral Majority takes a look at The Possession of Hannah Grace this week from a Christian viewpoint. Is the movie appropriate for the youngsters and what can we expect going into it? Movieguide breaks it all down and grades films based on their content and possible messages they are trying to convey.

Check out what they think after the jump.

A shocking exorcism spirals out of control, claiming the life of a young woman. Months later, morgue worker Megan Reed takes delivery of a disfigured cadaver during the graveyard shift. Locked inside the basement corridors, Megan's horrifying visions soon lead her to believe that the body is possessed by a demonic force.

The Possession of Hannah Grace has several creative visual tropes, and the acting from Shay Mitchell is better than most horror movies. What keeps the movie from being truly scary is it makes the common mistake of showing way too much. Sadly, the worldview of The Possession of Hannah Grace is strongly unbiblical. For example, the beginning has a scene where priests try an exorcism over the little girl that proves unsuccessful. One priest is even killed by the demon-possessed girl. Eventually, supernatural evil is beaten by willpower, not by Jesus or Christian faith. Also, the movie’s violence is often grotesque. The Possession of Hannah Grace is an abhorrent occult horror movie.

Read more at Movieguide.

Movieguide reviews all movies from a Christian perspective and how movies affect children at different stages of cognitive development. We analyze movies using over 150 different criteria that cover the dramatic elements, the literary, the worldview, and the theological… and much more.